LITHIUM | 2020

This project explores  lithium extraction  in the Lithium Triangle. This research dossier compiles and visually represents historical and technical knowledge while summarizing current developments. In the second poster, I examine both prevailing and marginalized perspectives that either support or challenge lithium mining practices. The second infographic map complements the research on the lithium brine mining industry by visualizing the primary discursive frameworks to engage with and reflect upon industry practices, considering the viewpoints of various stakeholders at multiple levels. The map aims to give equal prominence to marginalized narratives alongside dominant ones.


The objective of this project was to create a feedback loop with a nonhuman organism. In order to achieve this, I embarked on a hunt for a strain of glowing bacteria. I sought to create the most ideal environment for this bacteria to flourish, adjusting salt content, temperature, and the specimen from which I extracted the strain. 

In this first attempt, I inadvertently cultivated another strain of bacteria which overpowered the already-faint bioluminescent bacteria. The second attempt was successful in generating glow, likely due to a fresher specimen.